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Be turned in a sentence

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Sentence count:122Posted:2020-08-08Updated:2020-08-08
Similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-on
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31 Complex measures can not readily be turned into simply stated, understandable ballot blurbs.
32 In the mid-1950's nuclear fission had still to be turned into a commercial power source.
33 Both particles created in a single fusion reaction carry energy that can be turned into heat and, ultimately, into electricity.
33 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
34 The Forum will be turned into a giant playground, in which the audience will be guided through a series of competitions.
35 So much yeast is produced during fermentation that large amounts are sold to companies such as Marmite to be turned into yeast extract.
36 The proposal calls for easing land-use restrictions and establishing a road-financing plan so sparsely used properties can be turned into thriving enterprises.
37 Always keep spare tap washers handy and replace the washers regularly - no tap should need to be turned off with force.
38 Rather than learning how to do an art or a craft that could be turned into some kind of occupational choice.
39 His conclusion was that these groups could be turned into productive forces by giving the employees a sense of being appreciated.
40 As if Dandy would have hung on to something that could be turned into ready money!
41 Many teenage girls worry that if they appear too smart or competent, boys will be turned off.
42 Well, with a bit more work from craftsman Jeremy Brookes, this piece of wood will be turned into a didgeridoo.
43 The danger is that the question of methodology can easily be turned to dogma according to any premises.
44 The doors could close, backs could be turned, curricular recommendations accepted, nodded at, and put on the shelf.
45 But women may be turned off more easily than men during early stages of arousal unless they are touched gently.
46 The National Curriculum orders for each study unit need to be turned into meaningful and workable schemes of work and class activities.
47 The power steering on your vehicles should allow the wheel to be turned easily by one hand.
48 The power of it is integral, if it be turned into earth.
49 All these controls can be turned off, but they do form a comforting security blanket.
50 The critical questions have to be turned on to the discipline and relevant examples furnished from within the discipline.
51 It can not move and shoot in the same turn, except that it can be turned to face its intended target.
52 The cataract can now be turned off at the pull of a lever.
53 Food could be turned into energy via respiration, in which glucose is either derived from food or from photosynthesis.
54 The implications of this fact for manipulability are great; linguistic context can be turned upside down more easily than real ones.
55 His head would never again be turned by a pretty woman.
56 The table could be turned at any of ten different speeds.
57 And your life is about to be turned upside down.
58 We request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off for the duration of the performance.
59 But all this could be turned to good account.
60 The area could be turned into a demilitarized zone.
More similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-onturned outunturnedoverturnedwell-turnedleave no stone unturnedburnedreturnspurnedburned-outburned outunburnedon the turnin returnreturn tosunburnedturnerreturningtax returntake turnsday returnincome returnreturn code
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